Jenny Han’s spin-off series, “XO, Kitty,” stemming from her renowned “To All The Boys…” trilogy, presents a distinctive coming-of-age narrative that revolves around the outspoken and charming Kitty Covey. The series allows us to observe Kitty’s transition into her new life in Seoul, all the while delving into her personal challenges, including her mother’s enigmatic past in their hometown. Nevertheless, this narrative style exhibits a mixed blend, incorporating makjang drama elements with a conspicuously Western perspective.
Warning: Spoiler Alert
The soapy coming-of-age genre harbors intriguing narrative possibilities. Given the intricate backgrounds and characteristics of the characters, several plot twists could have added depth to the story:
- Past Romance between the School Director and Kitty’s Mom: Envision the revelation that the school director, Yuri’s mother, once shared a romantic history with Kitty’s mother. This revelation might have introduced complexity to their interactions, providing viewers with a more profound insight into their dynamics.
- Professor Alex’s True Lineage: Another enthralling twist might have unveiled Professor Alex as the love child of Kitty’s mom and Professor Daniel. Such a revelation could have woven intricate connections between characters and their shared history.
Throughout the series, the incessant barrage of plot twists may appear disorderly, but certain character dynamics manage to seize our attention, compelling us to binge-watch:
- Yuri and Kitty’s Budding Friendship: The gradual evolution of Yuri and Kitty’s friendship stands out in the series. Their initial pretense as a couple transforms into a genuine bond reminiscent of the friendship between their mothers during their high school days. Witnessing their mutual support and growing inseparability feels like the union of kindred spirits.
- Kitty and Q’s Unique Friendship: The dynamic between Kitty and Q is intriguing. Q’s character displays traits reminiscent of Kitty’s sisters, and he consistently confronts Kitty with unvarnished truths. Despite their initial meeting at a party, Q warmly welcomes Kitty, setting the stage for a profound friendship.
- Minho: The second lead, without a doubt, leaves a lasting impression on the series. His character projects a haughty exterior but unveils a sincere, caring side when surrounded by the people he holds dear, including Kitty. Minho’s charisma and complexity render him an irresistible character.
While Dae’s character faces struggles throughout the series, there is no intention to vilify him. Dae is a likable character. Nonetheless, Minho’s magnetic allure undeniably shines more brightly.
In contrast, the romantic storyline involving Yuri and Kitty follows a somewhat predictable path. Kitty’s character is portrayed with a fluid persona, making it natural for her to explore her preferences. However, one can only hope that the writer handles Juliana and Yuri’s relationship with care, given the hint of Juliana’s jealousy toward Yuri’s affection for Kitty in the finale.
Final Verdict
This series adeptly fuses soapy elements with a Western coming-of-age perspective, resulting in a narrative brimming with twists and compelling character dynamics. While some narrative opportunities remain unexplored, the friendships and romances within the show provide viewers with an engaging and entertaining journey through Kitty Covey’s world of growth and self-discovery.